Sunday, May 6, 2007

Mountain bike etiquette

The Rules of the Trail according to IMBA, the International Mountain Bicycling Association.

1. Ride On Open Trails Only. Respect trail and road closures (ask if uncertain); avoid trespassing on private land; obtain permits or other authorization as may be required. Federal and state Wilderness areas are closed to cycling. The way you ride will influence trail management decisions and policies.

2. Leave No Trace. Be sensitive to the dirt beneath you. Recognize different types of soils and trail construction; practice low-impact cycling. Wet and muddy trails are more vulnerable to damage. When the trailbed is soft, consider other riding options. This also means staying on existing trails and not creating new ones. Don't cut switchbacks. Be sure to pack out at least as much as you pack in.

3. Control Your Bicycle! Inattention for even a second can cause problems. Obey all bicycle speed regulations and recommendations.

4. Always Yield Trail. Let your fellow trail users know you're coming. A friendly greeting or bell is considerate and works well; don't startle others. Show your respect when passing by slowing to a walking pace or even stopping. Anticipate other trail users around corners or in blind spots. Yielding means slow down, establish communication, be prepared to stop if necessary and pass safely.

5. Never Scare Animals. All animals are startled by an unannounced approach, a sudden movement, or a loud noise. This can be dangerous for you, others, and the animals. Give animals extra room and time to adjust to you. When passing horses use special care and follow directions from the horseback riders (ask if uncertain). Running cattle and disturbing wildlife is a serious offense. Leave gates as you found them, or as marked.

6. Plan Ahead. Know your equipment, your ability, and the area in which you are riding -- and prepare accordingly. Be self-sufficient at all times, keep your equipment in good repair, and carry necessary supplies for changes in weather or other conditions. A well-executed trip is a satisfaction to you and not a burden to others. Always wear a helmet and appropriate safety gear.

Keep trails open by setting a good example of environmentally sound and socially responsible off-road cycling.

Kalau setahun dihitung 365 hari, maka berarti umurku sekarang sudah 13505 tambah 20 hari, entah berapa hari lagi yang tersisa (God knows). Udah berapa banyak waktuku yang sia-sia? Berapa banyak hari yang sengaja atau tidak sengaja pernah aku terlantarkan? Ketika kesadaran ini tiba-tiba (betul betul, dengan amat sangat) menghampiri, kesadaran yang lain pun datang. Hey, aku semakin tua aja! padahal seumuranku udah ada yang jadi menteri lho (kabar terbaru reshuffle kabinet RI 2007). Tanggung jawab makin berat, tuntutan makin banyak. Waktu bener-bener ga mau berdamai, jalan teruuusss. Dan aku menyadari masih banyak yang belum gue lakukan di umur gue sekarang. Tapi apa yang udah aku perbuat demi bangsa dan negara ini, setidaknya di lingkunganku, atau lingkup yang lebih kecil lagi, keluargaku…

Dan buat diriku sendiri, resolusi-resolusi-resolusi-resolusi (entah sudah berapa banyak resolusi) dan goal-goal-goal-goal (entah sudah berapa banyak goal-goal) yang aku susun setiap awal tahun, akhirnya cuma menjadi catatan awal tahun doank, pengisi tetap diary "things to do" ku. Ga pernah terlaksana sepenuhnya. Ini karena gue orangnya bosenan, trus ga punya cukup tekad kuat untuk menyelesaikan hal-hal yang udah gue rencanakan dan mulai. Nggantung. Selalu begitu.

Oakley deh, aku mulai sekarang harus lebih fokus lagi!

Monday, January 22, 2007


Happy New Year 2007. The idea is for this to be a daily or semi-daily roundup of interesting news concerning mountain biking, mountain bike trails, and other topics.

Selamat thun baru 2007. Blog ini dikhususkan untuk artikel mengenai mountain bike, jalur-jalur mountain bike dan topik-topik lain seputar mountain bike.